The safety and wellbeing of our staff and engineers, as well as that of our customers, is our highest priority. We have carefully considered the official advice available to us and our responsibility to reduce the risk posed to those working for PTS Group.

PTS will only be accepting orders placed for work, as of Tuesday 31st March 2020, for contracts classed as ‘essential public services’ or emergency cases. These will be considered on an ad hoc, case by case basis. We will be operating a skeleton staff at the PTS offices, staff will be working from home where possible and will be contactable by email and telephone.

PTS, as an associate member of the Safety Assessment Federation (SAFed), supplying engineering inspections services is considered an ‘essential business’ and our engineers, in certain circumstances can be considered Key Workers.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and stress that we have implemented this stringent measure to help combat the spread of the virus.

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